New Fabrics from Timeless Treasures

The groundhog saw his shadow yesterday, yuck.  I do know a few people that threaten to drive to PA and beat up poor Phil for his prediction.  The skies have been very gray for the last two weeks.  Makes me wonder why I left Florida again?  Just kidding.  I LOVE Indy and being back.

For today’s inspiration I went wondering around on fabric manufacturer’s Web sites.  I wanted to see how I could get myself into trouble with shopping.  Timeless Treasures has a lot of new fabrics out for spring.  I think the cold dreary weather is drawing me to the bright spring colors.  Here are the collections that I liked the best…so far.  There is no stash busting going on here. 

Strawberry Field by Alice Kennedy.  My favorite is the blended print fabric.  These have to be in my stash. For what project, I’m not sure. 

The other line that caught my eye was Lily by Alice Kennedy.  It has a great blend of pink, green and black.  These are bolder hues and not delicate springy colors.  A fat quarter collection of this collection wouldn’t be the worse thing.  These are great accent pieces for any project, don’t know that I would use them as a project as a group. 

The Strawberry Field line reminds me of the Hoffman Color Splash line that I talked about a couple of months ago.  Very interesting, could just be a “Spring” trend. 

News Thread 11.13

Happy Friday the 13th.  Hopefully everyone has safe day.  Pretty sure I’m safe from black cats, but the street feral cat will be sure to cross my path today.  At the very least to torment my dogs.  My new sewing room happens to have the front window that the dogs like to sit and look out.  So all of my projects have to go to a pet friendly person. 

Enough about my animals.  I have been very unproductive in the sewing department this week.  Nothing from last week’s list is checked off.  I plan to spend the weekend cleaning and sewing.  I have gifts that need to be finished to removed from my sewing room.  There are projects of my own to work on and get the room cleaned up.  Instead of spring cleaning, I’m doing a fall cleaning! 

I’ll update again over the weekend.  Someone hold me accountable!!

Flower Basket

October 6th was my grandma’s 96th birthday.  She asked for a flower basket to go with her stained glass window wall hanging.  Okay where to start.

My original idea was to cut out flowers from material and applique them to a basket weave print material.  Surprisely my stash does not have many flowers.  I really wanted to use what I had and get through some scraps.  I visited my gma in October and she gave me a great idea…raffea woven into the basket.  Sew and Quilt had a great ribbon that I wove into the basket.  It was very delicate but worked great.


During QuiltFest in Jacksonville I was taught how to make cute fabric flowers.  All you need are circles, thread, and a needle.  That simple.  Follow the pictures below for visual instructions.

make flowers1
fold cut flower in half
make flowers2
fold in half again
make flowers3
straight stitch right near the top
make flowers4
pull the thread to scrunch the petal














Do not cut the thread, you will use this for all of your petals to keep them scrunched together.  If you need to change thread, make sure to do a secure stitch at the end to ensure your scrunch holds.  Repeat the petal process for 6 or more petals to make a flower.  There will be an empty circle in your flower.  I used a smaller flower then a yo-yo to fill in on some.  On others I used buttons.  So cute.

button flower


Here is the completed project.  Gma should be getting it this week and I will update with her response.
