Three items that should be on your baby registry

By no way am I a child expert, but these items were not on my registry and we use them all the time. When I registered I was just going for the basics and may have overlooked a few things.

1 week before little man arrived
1 week before little man arrived

My friends had the forethought about these and gifted these to us. Theses are my recommendations to any parent, aunt/uncle, friend, co-worker, etc that is wondering what you could buy that someone would actually use. All of these are available at most major retailers.


The WubbaNub

It’s a pacifier with a stuffed animal attached. I laughed when I got it. Thanks. Under my breath I thought I would never use it. Months later, it is our go to paci. Tragically that monkey paci recently parished in a horrific dog chewing accident. It was quickly replaced and is now frog paci. Complete disaster and melt downs, mine and Porter’s, were adverted.

Once P was old enough to start rolling around at night he was losing his paci. Lost paci = unhappy crying baby in the middle of the night. Okay let’s try this Wubbanub thing. OH MY! P can find it in the middle of the night and so can I. Other pacifiers can be lost in the slots of the crib onto the floor at night. Or worse, behind the crib. Wubbanub doesn’t. To get the other pacifiers back from hard to reach places, we would secure old tights over the cordless vacuum cleaner’s hose and then run it around the area we tend to lose things. As well as the pacifiers, it’s amazing the things you can find. Also, fun fact, vacuums make great noise machines for sending your child off to sleep.

This genius idea should be on your registry, maybe add a couple just in case of a dog vs paci battle that may occur.

Zipper is where it's at.
Zipper is where it’s at.

Pajamas with ZIPPERS

Register for 5 sets in every size. Late night changes, tired momma, tired baby and snaps on jammies = a giant mess. So many nights I fumbled with snaps and would wake up the next morning to realize I had missed snaps and the jammies just weren’t right. Zippers aren’t going to change the world but you will thank me.

Plus if your baby squirms and wiggles around like a mad man when being changed a zipper is quick. I mistakenly put P in snap jammies tonight. I gave up and waited for him to down his bottle to fight with snaps.

baby toy

The Cube

Actual name is the Infantino Big Top Discovery Cube. It smashes into the diaper bag, it’s portable, not crazy loud, and has lots of items to keep P busy. Plus he LOVES the mirror on there. Who doesn’t like to look at an adorable baby?

This toy goes everywhere with us. So glad we got it.

Do you have a toy you like to give to new parents?

Added Bonus

bottle brushBottle Brush

Simple enough but something we didn’t even consider. We thought the glass cleaner we had would work. The bottle necks are small, most regular brushes won’t fit in there. Go ahead and put a dozen of these on your registry. We have gone through a number of them with regular bottle usage. Plus like any brush in your kitchen, it gets disgusting.