I Made A Bag

While I was pregnant hubby and I decided we wanted to cloth diaper our son.  We attended a class and looked at all our options.  Made our selection and went back to get them when he was around 2 months old and hit the 8 pound mark.cloth diapered porter

It has been one the best things for us.  Yes it’s more laundry and I have to scrape poop off diapers, yep I said it.  Note ** don’t use the spatula in our downstairs bathroom, it’s the poop spatula.  P rarely has diaper rash and it’s become our normal.  Here is a great blog post about cloth diaper options.

So what do we do with all the diapers when they are wet or dirty.  Put them in a bag.  I hate using plastic, it makes my skin crawl.  During my pregnancy I picked up laminated cotton to use for a food mat when P got older, but it’s going towards wet bags now.

bicycle laminated fabric

I have NEVER sewn a zipper into anything.  Zippers scare me and the thought of adding them into something makes so nervous.  Last week I bought a zipper and decided I wanted to give it a try.  Well this is the result…

bad bag creationWhat a mess!  Good thing it’s just staying at home.  I want something I will be proud to keep in the diaper bag and send to daycare.  I’m off to try again and actually use a tutorial this time to help me.  Craftbuds has what looks to be an easy tutorial for making a zippered bag.

I could rip all the stitches out and start again…probably not.