Busy last couple of weeks

Wow, these last two weeks have been a whirlwind.  My other business Growler Girls has really kept me busy.  It has been great but making that whole balance thing difficult.  This year I really cut back on the products I’m making during the holidays because I knew that time would be a huge challenge.

That means I’m making Christmas stockings this weekend to have done in time for next week.  Plus some other gifts I need to start.  I foresee a number of New Year’s gifts from the Nagels.

coffee and concealerDid you see this picture on Instagram of coffee and concealer?  Seriously, I could not have survived without it this last couple of weeks.

Here are some snapshots of my last couple of weeks.

Our new bag, the Doubler, at the Indieana Handicraft Exchange
Our new bag, the Doubler, at the Indieana Handicraft Exchange
Best of Indy Party, best beer accessory for 2014.
Best of Indy Party, best beer accessory for 2014.
Yelp Bazaar at the Central Library.
Yelp Bazaar at the Central Library.

Hubby and I were able to have some down time this past weekend.  We went out to dinner with friends.  It was exactly what we needed after all the busy times we had.

hubby and iFinally, Emma and I were on IndyStyle Monday morning showcasing our bags.  It was a great way to round out our busy two weeks.

Now it’s time to rest and catch up on sewing.  We have sold out of bags, which is a good thing.  Also means some changes for me in terms of sewing.  More details coming.